Black Label Bike Kill III
Pictures cannot convey the chaos that was Bike Kill. Undoubtedly the most fun I've ever had at a bike club event. I'm surprised they got away with it. I'm surprised it didn't turn into a riot.
I didn't take a single picture all day. I was too caught up in the bedlam. So I've selected a few photos that hint at what went down. There are hundreds available elsewhere. Click on each photo to go to the website of the photographer.
There were lots of crazy bikes to try out...

Steamroller bike, demolition derby bikes, buckin' broncos... plus whatever anybody brought along. Too many to feature here.
Each event took place under a barrage of barrels, tires, mattresses, and less pleasant flying debris. People fall down, bikes break, folks get hurt... good times!
Six-pack attack: Duct-tape together a six-pack of tallboy "Night Flight". You can only drink while riding.

Foot down: Last person to put a foot down wins.

Two-wheel orgy: Whoever makes it to the end of the block with the most riders wins. Check out my freemount w/passenger.

Chariot races: More brutal than in Roman days.

Chickenfight: I wasn't quite clear on how this worked. Come to think of it, every event was sort of like a battle royale.

Dirty Mattress: A mountain of filthy mattresses from New York City's streets are covered in rotten fruit and refuse. The challenge is simple: Make it over. The stakes are high, though...

(people did worse, but trust me, you don't wanna see the pictures)

Tallbike jousting: The Main Event

Monkey Rat challenged Mz. Gump and took one for the team.
Then they brought out a car for us to kill...

That's Jake, the BLBC president, calmly smoking a ciggie in the midst of the pandemonium.

I've never seen Rob so happy.
Then they brought out the hammer bike...

Then there were sweet jumps.

I'll never forget the sight of Spidey jumping that car on a chopper... or Brandie doing it on a swingbike. Heck, there's a lot of stuff from that day I'll never forget. Let it be said that noone knows how to party like the Black Label Bike Club.
Check out more pictures at these fine websites:
Everyday Live- by far the best pictures. Look here first.
Antlered Girl
Dignity Chopshop 1
Dignity Chopshop 2
Bike Kill tag at Flickr
Dirty Jersey Choppers
Dirty Jersey's movie